Born2Bond two-part cyanoacrylate adhesives bring game-changing advancements to the world of adhesives, overcoming many of the performance and application limitations of existing cyanoacrylate adhesives.

  • Born2Bond Structural is the toughest structural, fast cure two-part (2K) cyanoacrylate adhesive on the market, with the longest open time.
  • Born2Bond Flex is the only two-part cyanoacrylate adhesive on the market with >200% elongation.
  • Born2Bond Repair is faster and tougher than standard cyanoacrylate adhesives, with half the level of shrinkage.

Born2Bond’s two-part cyanoacrylate adhesives are supplied in 50g, side-by-side cartridges for convenient processing. Both resin and hardener are dispensed through disposable, static mixing nozzles, forming a homogeneous material at the pull of a trigger.

Their convenient size allows for easy integration into dispensing guns for manual applications, or into pneumatic cartridge dispensers for those looking for an automated process with even greater control. Check out our short video below to see just how easy they are to process:

If you have ruled out cyanoacrylate adhesives for your assembly in the past, this may be the time to re-evaluate. Get in touch for your evaluation sample.