Contributing to our community helps to provide meaning and significance to our business.

Offering Opportunities

We have worked with The Ley Community to provide opportunities for people who are taking steps to overcome addiction. Over the years, we have employed many people from The Ley Community in both temporary and permanent full-time roles, and have found colleagues who are kind, skilled, and who have excellent work ethic.

The Ley Community logo
Our programme offers a springboard for employment to people who have little or no work history. Intertronics has been absolutely brilliant. They are so understanding of the backgrounds of our residents and willing to give them a second chance. Our partnership with Intertronics has been a great success. – Sean Adamson, Ley Community

Contact Sean at The Ley Community if your business is in the Oxford area and you are interested in benefiting from a partnership with them.

Working with Young People

We have taken on students from local schools for work experience, giving them a chance to see how a successful business functions and to learn some practical elements of working life. We are proud of the people we have supported through apprenticeship and intern programmes, and are keen to encourage others at the beginning of their careers, in whatever way we can.

Supporting Local Charities

Each year, we support charities which are either local to us, or have made a difference to or touched our team and their families. We get nominations for our charities of the year from members of our team to ensure that there is personal significance to our donations. Past beneficiaries have included Sobell House hospice, the Alzheimers Society, Action for Children, Katharine House Hospice, Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres, the North Oxfordshire Community Food Bank, and Oxford Against Cutting.

Oxford Against Cutting  Sobell House logo  Maggie's Centres logo  Alzheimer's Society logo  Action for Children  North Oxfordshire Community Food Bank  Katharine House Hospice

Each member of our team is offered one paid day per year to spend volunteering for a charitable cause. In the past, this has included baking biscuits with visitors to a community cafe spacesupporting a youth rugby tournament and a company wide cycle to Wiesbaden.

We Can Do More

We are always very interested in similar opportunities to contribute to our community. Please get in touch with me if you think we can help. – Peter Swanson, Managing Director