If you store your solder paste in the fridge, then you need a process for getting it onto the production line and ready to use – which means it must be at room temperature and correctly mixed. The THINKY SR-500 Solder Paste Mixer and Conditioning Machine makes this process quick and foolproof.

  • It is quick, with a controlled temperature ramp-up within 10 minutes – this might takes two hours normally
  • It mixes the paste to full homogeneity, without excessive heating and without air inclusion
  • It avoids the problem of condensation and water absorption by the paste during warming from cold

Poor paste mixing, air bubbles and moisture can all cause solder joint failures like voids and shorts. Let us know if you would like to talk more about the THINKY SR-500.

THINKY SR-500 Solder Paste Mixer and Conditioning


Solder paste mixing - by hand The mixing in of air bubbles can be seen, and the solder powder is not dispersed uniformly.
Solder paste mixing - by SR-500 No air bubbles are seen, and the solder powder is dispersed uniformly.