A recent report has highlighted the growth of LED technology in the UV and light curing of adhesives, coatings and other materials like inks. Thanks to a number of factors like compact size, low cost of ownership and environmentally-friendly constituents, UV LED is continuing to be a viable alternative to incumbent technologies like mercury lamps. Hence, the UV LED business is expected to grow very strongly in the next few years.

Amongst a number of applications for UV LEDs, UV curing is the most dynamic and most important market, due to significant advantages offered over traditional technologies (lower cost of ownership, system miniaturization, etc.). We are continuing to develop our offering to our customers in this field – who are manufacturers and assemblers of high technology products. We have a range of LED-based UV curing lamps –  and a growing number of compatible materials like adhesives, coatings and temporary masking products.

Categories: LED Curing, uv curing