Package on Package, or PoP, is the latest semiconductor packaging innovation designed to deal with cramming in all the capabilities we have come to expect from things like our mobile phones. You get your logic chip from one supplier, your memory from another, then just stack them up on top of each other. The concept provides a lot of flexibility.

Stacked up packages

The one on the top is a FBGA, and the one on the bottom is a PSvfBGA (Package Stackable Very Thin Fine Pitch BGA).

If you are wondering how you are going to assemble these components in the third dimension…. well, I’m not sure yet. However, the manufacturer Amkor has daisy chain mechanical samples available, which we offer with our sales partner Practical Components. If you need or want to start playing with these devices, then we would be pleased to help.

If you are thinking “Phew, glad my company is not dealing with those things”, don’t go away. You are almost certainly looking at lead-free. As well as this leading edge stuff, we have a full complement of lead-free dummy components in all the conventional shapes and sizes too.