INTERTRONICS recognises its environmental responsibilities and is committed to contributing to the reduction of local, national and global environmental damage.

This Environmental Policy Statement has been drawn up in recognition that our business should strive to maintain and, wherever possible, increase our environmental awareness and responsibility. It sets out the actions that we take to reduce the environmental impact of our activities and promote good practice.

This is a controlled document and is reviewed as part of our procedure audit and review programme, in line with our Quality Management System. The Policy’s implementation and monitoring are managed through our Environmental Management System (EMS), and is the responsibility of our Quality Manager.

  1. INTERTRONICS is an SME involved primarily with the sales and distribution of materials and equipment, and is not directly involved in manufacturing.
  2. We are committed to the highest standards of environmental care in all of our activities, and actively promote its importance and benefits to all employees and other stakeholders:
    • It is part of our company induction process
    • It is an agenda item on monthly Senior Management Team (SMT) meetings
    • Reports from the EMS are delivered to all employees at regular company-wide meetings (every six months)
  3. We are committed to complying with all applicable legal requirements which relate to environmental protection and sustainability, as well as following the prevailing recognised best practice. We have an EMS Team (lead by the Quality Manager) who are responsible for:
    • Remaining current with appropriate legal requirements and best practice by receiving pertinent newsletters, attending seminars, etc
    • Measuring the effects on the environment by the company
    • Proposing and instituting improvements in the EMS
    • Reporting to the SMT and the Company
  4. Energy
    • The EMS measures the energy consumption of the Company, and is tasked to find ways to minimise environmental impact by efficiencies in usage and supply.
  5. Waste
    • The EMS monitors the waste produced by the Company, and is tasked to find ways to minimise environmental impact by:
      • Reduction in waste production
      • Disposal of waste in an environmentally sound way
  6. Recycling
    • The EMS mandates the use of recycled products wherever feasible, including paper and packaging.
  7. This Policy is subject to amendment according to technological changes, our evolving business model and other factors.
  8. This document is freely available through our website to customers and stakeholders. A copy of our Environmental Management System (EMS) is available upon request.
  9. All employees are required to read the Policy during their induction, and acknowledge in writing that they have done so. Updates are circulated to all employees upon issue, and reinforced at regular company-wide meetings.


This policy was last updated on October 25, 2019, and is version 3.1.